

Supplyframe is the leading Design-to-Source Intelligence platform for the global electronics value chain

About Supplyframe

Supplyframe is the leading Design-to-Source Intelligence platform for the global electronics value chain, with solutions that interpret billions of intent, demand, supply and risk signals to deliver insights through the design-to-market product lifecycle.

A community of over 10 million engineering and supply chain professionals engage with our search, media, and SaaS solutions to optimize in excess of $120 billion in annual direct materials spend.
Supplyframe is headquartered in Pasadena, California, with offices around the world.

What is the average data analyst salary at Supplyframe?
The average data analyst salary at Supplyframe is $149,200 per year.

This salary has been determined from our database, where we have 1 data analyst jobs at Supplyframe.

(Last update: 1st July, 2024)